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Carnaroli Rice from Principato di Lucedio

Principato di Lucedio

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The King of Italian Rice Makes Ultra Creamy Risotto

Carnaroli rice—hailed as the "king of Italian rice" and beloved by chefs around the world—has a higher starch content and firmer texture resulting in a rich, velvety bowl of risotto. The long oval-shaped grains plump beautifully when cooked while still retaining their al dente bite.

Achieve creamy risotto perfection in 5 simple steps with our 5-Step Risotto recipe. Once you master the technique for this basic risotto, the possibilities are endless—add lemon zest and finish with Agrumato Lemon Olive Oil for vibrant Risotto al Limone, fold in chopped black truffles and grated Pecorino Staginato al Tarufo cheese for indulgent Risotto con Tarfufo or add saffron for classic Risotto alla Milanese.

About the producer

When Napoleon Bonaparte was ceded the Lucedio Estate in 1807, it's hard to imagine he intended to spend the time and effort that its future owner, Count Paolo Cavalli d'Olivola, would spend to grow Italy's finest rice. In 1937, the Count bought the estate, increasing the property to over 400 hectares of rice fields, creating Italy’s largest rice estate. Today, his daughter, Countess Rosetta Clara Cavalli d’Olivola, oversees the restoration of the estate and the farming of the rice fields with zealousness and utmost care.

Harvested in the late summer and early fall, the rices of Principato de Lucedio are stored, with the husk and bran intact, until the last possible minute before milling and packing. The attention to detail on the Lucedio Esate has allowed them to maintain the quality which has made the estate so famous. The superfino rices are superior for classic risotto preparations.

Featured in these recipes:

More Info

Principato di Lucedio
1.1 pound - 500 g

Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Gary Jones

Not yet tried!

laurie castelli
Principato di Lucendio

Simply the best risotto in the world!

Ted Gardella
The ONLY rice for Risotto

I have been using Principato Di Lucedio rice for around 20 years. FOr some time, I was unable to find a good source - now I make sure I have 3-4 Kilos on hand at all times. Market Hall food is my preferred source.

Carnaroli is my choice for risotto

I agree that Carnaroli is a creamier risotto. Comes out great. Hard to over cook, goof proof, and I make arancini with it from prepared risotto by cooling it in fridge and adding grated mozz and form it into small golf-ball sized balls and coat with breadcrumbs. Chill, or freeze, then fry. I do use olive oil at the start though, not butter; then I end with butter and parm.

Well Worth the Time

I recently made a shrimp & pea risotto with Carnaroli Rice, using fresh unfrozen wild shrimp & fresh peas. My guests and I absolutely loved it! I made a soffritto with garlic & onion & then cooked the rice slowly adding a home-made shrimp broth periodically. I added the shrimp & peas at the end with reserved broth. Risottos take patience, but they are well worth it if made properly. Yum!